
Unschooling the Future

Unschooling the Future

Perhaps the greatest accomplishment of the internet is that it enables learning on a massive scale. Information is now orders of magnitude more accessible than at any other time in history. You are only limited by the content you can find.

Emergent, open-source technologies are facilitating new forms of peer-to-peer transactions. However, peer-to-peer is not the standard at present. Most content resides on centralized servers, meaning its creators are at the mercy of platform proprietors.

Unschooled Vision

The Unschooled Network is a project dedicated to reclaiming education on the web.

Our vision is to become a universal network of educators and learners who wish to transact in Bitcoin. Education on the web need not be permission-based, nor should access to a particular country’s currency be a barrier. Therefore, Unschooled exclusively supports on-chain bitcoin and lightning payments. Thus, The Unschooled Network is committed to becoming a means for educators to make a living on a bitcoin standard as well as a place for learners worldwide to have access to high-quality educational resources.

While the value for value (V4V) proposition supported by the NOSTR protocol enables users to tip their creators for the content they upload, Unschooled seeks to be a dedicated hub for trustworthy educational content, facilitating direct, non-custodial Bitcoin payments on-chain and over Lightning. Unschooled is committed to becoming a global skills marketplace, leveraging the scale and accessibility of the Bitcoin network. At Unschooled, your time and skills are denominated in Bitcoin!

How it works

Since upholding openness is fundamental to our mission, Unschooled is a website hosted on github pages. Anyone in the world with the ability to download our repo, propose changes and submit them, can in theory contribute to growing the network.

The static-site home page of Unschooled is designed to be a starting point, a foundation. By using Static-site pages, our contributors really just need to become familiar with using Markdown. This method for accepting contributions strikes a balance between usability and functionality. Contributors may also wish to make use of this list of our recommended content creation tools in order to maximize their unschooling potential. As a creator, you may choose to link to your own beautiful self-hosted website, or develop an entire course and host it on Unschooled (start here). The choice is completely yours.

Additionally, Unschooled also hosts its own instance of a BTC Pay Server (through which I gladly accept donations to support the vision), allowing any contributor to run their own store and accept payments on-chain or over Lightning.

The goal is to create a global network for peer-to-peer learning, one that allows educators and learners to connect freely, without surrendering their data to black-box algorithms, advertisers or third parties.

For inquiries about getting involved, please reach out to Fionn via email at

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.